Got me thinking, what does a “long–term” relationship mean? … Now the definition of a committed relationship, is an “interpersonal relationship based upon a mutually agreed-upon commitment to one another involving exclusivity, trust and other agreed-upon behavior.” In this case we will be exploring Long term intra personal relationships with a variety of emotional states. The same rules apply with…
5 Reason why this is important So much is being said at any given time in communication and knowing and learning the importance of this can have a substantial effect on your life. According to the here are 5 important key benefits… 1. Connect with people better Depending on which study you consult, 60-93% of our communication is through…
1. Start staff learning before they arrive A pre-induction learning portal is proving to be an excellent tool to dramatically improve engagement and productivity of new staff from their very first day. Up to ten hours of learning covering product knowledge, compliance topics, as well as sales simulations, have led to staff arriving confident and competent. This has reduced induction training…
Just recently I was asked how I do it? Do what you ask? Sell. How do you sell and walk away with the business? The sales training we do at Mind the Change Academy is specifically aimed at improving personal skills. Training people to be highly efficient and dynamic. Once we get our brains on board with how to be…
Having done some amazing training in the last year and also achieving the unexpected results we have, I think it fair to say that a large part of this success is due to dealing with confidence. Confidence, a state that we experience in our bodies which is attainable for everyone. It’s not something that happens outside of us or only special people.…